Saturday, August 16, 2008

Can you really trust your mortgage broker or lender?

So you made the big decision. You decided that renting is not for you any longer and decided to become a home owner.
Ahh the possibilities...No more landlords. No more throwing money away. Say hello to BBQ in the back yard, house parties and many other advantages of realizing the American dream.
But before you enjoy all of that, and unless you saved up enough money to pay cash for your slice of real estate, You'll need to meet with a lender or mortgage broker.

See what few people know is your lender or broker is NOT you adviser. It is literally impossible for your mortgage broker to look out for your best interest and still make a living.

My name is Mehdi Cherkaoui and I operate

A lot of my clients are first or second time home buyers. They are like most Americans fairly oblivious to what rate they qualify for, what closing costs they should pay what program they should opt for etc...

The recent mortgage mess has been partly caused by the combination of greedy brokers and not-so- knowledgeable borrowers.
These brokers pushed for programs that only benefit the size of their pockets.

I have seen good faith estimates emailed to me by members that boggle my mind. They contain stratosphericly high origination fees, points broker fees....In addition to inflated interest rates down right criminal mortgage terms.

It is crucial to do enough homework and seek professional help like mortgage consultation services that can steer you towards the right mortgage.

Good mortgage products are still out there. As a matter of fact FHA has made it even easier than before to obtain a great mortgage. FHA basically picked up where subprime lenders left off only with much much better interest rates and mortgage programs.

So once again do enough homework get the best mortgage consultation you can, interview mortgage brokers, ask for a good faith estimate and seek help from a mortgage watchdog especially if you are a first time home buyer. You'll save thousands on your next mortgage.

Please visit us at for more.
Good luck.


Smartbuildingdesign said...

"Whether you are currently making your payments on time but foresee yourself falling behind in a matter of months, or are already several months behind and weeks away from foreclosure, modifications can help you! In the currently volatile economy, many home values have depreciated and income levels have dropped. Because of this, getting out of what could be a painful mortgage is not possible, leaving many with the only option of foreclosing. A modification will allow you to get your goals accomplished and avoid future foreclosure, leaving you with a payment that you know you can make. Not only does this negotiation prevent future hardship, it can also help you get caught up if you are behind. Once you fall several months behind, a large lump sum is required to be paid to come current. Loan modifications while focusing on future payments will also help alleviate delinquent payments. Negotiations should address the delinquency and any other problems, so you have all of your hardship wiped away at the same time. Mortgage modifications for many equate to a home saving necessity, and a fresh start with true relief from their unavoidable hardship. Call 1 877 214-7677 or 267 804-8613 Mr Alexander for professional attorney backed assistance today!"

Smartbuildingdesign said...
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Smartbuildingdesign said...

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